Press Releases
One of the key advantages that the internet offers underfunded and overworked campaigns is the ability to disseminate information widely with just a click of the mouse. There are several excellent on-line resources for those of you who would like to learn more about writing good press releases including PRweb and Pantecta.
However, it is not the content that TAP is concerned about but rather to whom and by what method the press release is issued. As is discussed in greater detail in "Effective E-mail," the ability to efficiently communicate with a broad, but targeted audience is essential to effective campaigning whether it is regarding fund-raising, volunteer opportunities, or keeping the media keyed on your message and on your campaign. This begins with a good list of media outlets that the campaign wished to keep informed of its progress, issues, and events. Construct an e-mail list specifically for media. When constructing the list, cast a wide net. E-mail is free so when in doubt, include. Don't over send press releases. If the political correspondent of the local TV affiliate gets 3 press releases a day from the Green Party, he will quickly begin to assume they are fluff or redundant and simply delete them. Regular press releases should be go out no more than once a week unless events require an immediate response (spin and spin control) and should cover no more than 1-2 topics each. On-line press releases should also include hot links to the campaign media center, issue relevant support materials from 3rd parties such as think tanks, and contact links for the campaign manager and relevant staff.
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