Printable Literature and Petitions
Another innovation that the net has provided that has already proved its value is the ability of supporters to access, download and print campaign materials directly from the campaign's website. This technology has been used effectively in Washington State where voter initiatives are a regular part of governance. In order to put a question before voters on the ballot, an issue campaign must first procure a large number of signatures from voters who support the issue.
Traditionally, these signature drives have used paid signature gatherers primarily in urban areas where campaigns can get more bang for the buck. However, the last two election cycles have seen an increasing number of signatures being gathered in smaller communities by unpaid volunteers. Why? The internet has made it easier and cheaper for individuals, of their own initiative, to download and print the signature gathering forms, take them around to friends and neighbors and then simply stick them in the mail to the campaign for final delivery to the Secretary of State.
This same concept has also been applied by a number of candidates who have made their campaign literature available on-line so that supporters in rural areas or far removed from campaign headquarters are able to print them in bulk locally or in small numbers on personal printers for use in their own communities.
The key thing to remember, as my own research has shown, is to have the materials correctly formatted (read: idiot proof) so that materials printed by outside parties reflect the quality and standards that the campaign has set for such materials. The web is replete with examples of ugly, black & white, or poorly formatted materials that do not reflect well on the campaign or the candidate. However, when utilized effectively, the cost savings and message penetration that this tool can provide is very powerful.
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